Thursday, April 24, 2008

Masters of the Universe

Who: Jaclyn
What: Masters of the Universe
Where: Home
Why: Nostalgia

So I decided to Netflix this movie to relive my childhood, which I've been doing a lot lately. However, I didn't remember this movie being SO awful. For those who don't know about this movie, it's a live-action movie of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, which was made popular by the 80's cartoon. You know, Skeletor, Orko, He-Man, Cringer, Teela, etc.

The acting is dismal and the effects are cheesy. I know that's pretty standard for 80's movies, but come on. This is a total slap in the face to the cartoon, which I'll admit is cheesy in its own way. I wonder if in the theater I actually stayed awake. Even as a seven year old, I imagine I was out like a light.

I wonder if they were to attempt to make this movie again (hopefully with a better script) if the characters would do the original series justice. They certainly didn't in this movie.

1 comment:

Amber said...

I think I remember reading that they ARE going to do a remake of this movie!

I used to LOVE this cartoon when I was younger. Looking back at it now ...