Friday, May 9, 2008

What Happens In Vegas...

Who: Jaclyn
What: What Happens In Vegas...
Where: AMC Pleasure Island
Why: Another $6 A.M. Cinema (thanks AMC!)

This was a cute/funny movie. Normally I can't stand Cameron Diaz but she was tolerable in this, even if she did look like a $5 hooker. The story is about two people down on their luck, Joy and Jack who are played by Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher. They both decide to go to Vegas to get away from their troubles and the end up meeting and marrying each other after a drunken evening. Of course, once sober, they realize it was a horrible mistake until Jack wins a 3 million dollar jackpot and then it's a different story.

The movie is very predictable but still hilarious. Ashton is typical Ashton and that works out pretty well. He doesn't do 'serious' very well, i.e. "The Butterfly Effect".

Each of their best friends stole the show in my opinion. Their snappy rips on each other are priceless. And if you do see it, stay through some of the credits as there are little "extras".


Amber said...

Hey - I love the Butterfly Effect!

Anonymous said...

most of the chick flicks i've seen with Ashton Kutcher have been pretty good, A Lot Like Love is another example