Sunday, May 11, 2008

Along Came a Spider

Who: Monica
What: Along Came a Spider
Where: Home
Why: B/C it was $2 on sale and I LOVE any movie based on a James Patterson novel.

This is based on the novel, by the same name, by author James Patterson. His stories never disappoint me. This movie came out in 2001, which was really before I got into reading the novels. Detective Alex Cross is the main character in these crime thrillers, there's a HUGE series! I encourage anyone to read them, they are FANTASTIC and EASY reads!! This is actually the 2nd novel/movie in the series, right after "Kiss the Girls".

Detective Alex Cross is played by Morgan Freeman and he's awesome. His side kick in this one is a Secret Service Agent, played by Monica Potter. It's a great crime thriller if you love that kind of thing. The special effects in the first scene are laughable though, I didn't realize how bad they were until I watched it this time.

If you haven't seen it, rent it sometime. If you have to choose though, read the book, it's better!

1 comment:

Amber said...

I love Ashley Judd!