Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Who: Kerri & Mitchel
What: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
: Theatre
Why: We wanted to see it

I enjoyed this movie very much, probably because I had not read this book before, and I was able to just enjoy the movie and not wonder 'how will the do this, and that' like I did the last one.

The special effects were well done and did not distract from the story. Eddie Izzard was great as the very brave mouse warrior, Reepicheep.

There was a sword fight that reminded me of Knights Tale the way they sped up the frames, that was cool, although there wasn't the same soundtrack. The main fight was very "Helm's Deep" even with Uruk-hai and trees.

There was enough comic relief, but also lots of death, it is much darker than the first, but I do think it is a better film. It takes place one year after their return to England, and the children are still adjusting to being children again. They are summoned back to Narnia where 1300 years have passed, and all hell has broken loose and they must help return Prince Caspian to his rightful throne that his evil uncle has overtaken. I very much enjoyed the character, Susan, brave, and got right into the fighting with the boys.

If you are a fan of fantasy or Narnia, you'll enjoy this.

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