Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sweet Home Alabama

Who: Monica
What: Sweet Home Alabama
Where: My couch
Why: Because it IS pretty much my favorite movie of all time now!

If you know me well, you have already heard that this is pretty much my favorite movie ever. If there isn't anything on TV, this is what I put in. Andy makes fun of me for it all the time. It stays in my DVD player for days and days, playing about 3 times a day while I go about my day.

It's a quirky, chick flick with two cute boys and set in the south. How can you go wrong? Reese Witherspoon (who is adorable as a southern chick) plays Melanie Carmichael/Smooter who is becoming a big fashion designer in New York. She has pretty much disowned her roots while trying to fit in. She becomes engaged to political hottie boyfriend Andrew, played by Patrick Dempsey. The only little hitch is she has to return home and try to convince her husband to give her a divorce. Her husband, Jake, is played by yet another favorite hunk of mine, Josh Lucas. How can you go wrong I ask??

There's much talk of fried pickles, homemade jam, babies in a bar, settin' a cat on fire, stealing fish from a pond, coon dogs, tippin' tractors and romance to boot.

I LOVE this movie!!!!!!!


Jaclyn said...

I love this movie too! It's very hard to decide between the two hotties. Reese was very lucky!

Amber said...

It's like they made my life into a movie ... choosing between so many hotties. Ahhhh ...
