Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Who: Amber & Jonathan
What: Slither
: at home - free HBO weekend!
Why: It has "Pam" from The Office in it!

I remember seeing previews for this movie a couple months ago. Then it disappears from theathers in about 24 hours. I should've trusted the theater goers. This just wasn't a very good movie. It's kind-of one of those movies that just ENDS. I was sitting on the couch thinking, "ok, I guess I'm done watching ..."

The movie is about a giant slug who falls from outter space, and tries to take over the world, starting with one tiny town. Of course, the slug is defeated, but not until crawling into people's mouths and shooting stuff into their stomaches. Plus, "Pam" is only in like 2 movie scenes!!!

Even though I saw this movie for free, I still felt kind-of ripped off. It wasnt' worth my time. I was really hoping for a scary horror movie. Instead I got put to sleep.

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