Monday, July 21, 2008

Music and Lyrics

Who: Bill and Melanie
What: Music and Lyrics
Where: DVD from Netflix
Why: Melanie wanted to see it

I don’t remember seeing much publicity for Music and Lyrics when it was released in February 2007. It apparently did not do very well in theaters and that is a shame, because Melanie and I thought it was really good when we recently rented the DVD. In fact, this is a great movie to watch with your loved one.

Alex Fletcher was one-half of a 1980’s pop group called, well, POP! After going solo, his career faltered and in recent years has been increasingly singing at high school reunions, theme parks and county fairs. He agrees to help a popular young singer (and a fan of POP!’s songs) named Cora Corman on a duet. Trouble is, he can only write music and not lyrics. Soon after he meets Sophie Fisher, who just happens to be an excellent writer but doesn’t know it. The two collaborate on a new song-- Alex composes the melody and Sophie contributes the words. It turns out to be a great creative partnership, while at the same time the two gradually fall in love.

Music and Lyrics is a romantic comedy, but thanks to Hugh Grant as Alex, never becomes too syrupy. He always seems to have a snappy one-liner at the ready, doesn’t seem to mind being labeled a “has-been” and somewhat enjoys performing for his devoted but aging female fans. Drew Barrymore is well-cast as Sophie, unsure of herself and on the rebound of a failed romance. Both actors also have excellent chemistry. All this combined makes this movie very enjoyable to watch. As a bonus, Grant turns out to be a pretty good singer-- and Barrymore herself isn’t too bad for the small singing she does. Music and Lyrics begins with a “flashback” to POP!’s glory days. The music video “POP! Goes My Heart”-- which is also a bonus feature on the DVD-- is very effective in its simultaneous homage and parody of 1980’s pop music videos. Its quite funny and appropriately over-the-top.

Adding support to the strong leads are Brad Garret as Alex’s manager Chris Riley, Kristen Johnston as Sophie’s sister Rhonda and newcomer Haley Bennett as Cora Corman.

A strong cast with two excellent leads and a good story. You too may find yourself singing the praises of Music and Lyrics.


Joanne said...

I'm going to have to rent this one. I saw it at the theatre and thought Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant had great chemistry.

Terry said...

I have it saved on my dvr, i think it's cute too.