Sunday, July 6, 2008

Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Who:  Amber
What:  Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Where:  at home - DVRed off Chiller
Why:  Why not?!?

This is the 'infamous' Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie with Renee Zelweger and Matthew McConnegh (sp?).  Let me tell you - Matthew makes a great bad guy!  We all know he's a little nuts in real life.

This movie started out decent (cheesy - but decent).  A group of students get lost driving home from prom and run into Leatherface (who is now a cross dresser?) and his group of normal looking adults.  I was confused why the normal adults were living in filth with Leatherface, but they were.  The 2 prom boy teens die immediatly.  The slutty girl takes a good beating, and we really don't see her die completely.  Renee Zelweger (the good girl) fights back, and escapes!

The writers didn't really do anything for the ending.  It ends the same as the original (I think - or am I forgetting?).  Renee Zellweger runs out of the woods into a road and gets picked up by a passing car.  Leatherface screams and swings his/her chainsaw around and around in circles.

Unless you really like crappy horror movies, take a pass on this one.

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