Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Blades of Glory

Who: Amber (& Jonathan)
What: Blades of Glory
: at home - free Showtime weekend!
Why: I love Will Ferrell!

I think I'm the last person on the planet to see this movie (I even saw Semi Pro before this). The plot is Will Ferrell and that kid from Napolian Dynamite are banned from singles figure skating. There is some riduculous non-rule that allows them to compete as a pair (even though they are both men). Unfortunatly, Will Ferrell and Napolian Dynamite hate each other.

I assumed it would a typical insane Will Ferrell sports movie (more bizarre actions, not so many sports scenes) - and it was. If you enjoy Will Ferrell, then you will enjoy this movie. If you enjoy Will Ferrell in spandex, then you will REALLY enjoy this movie. And, I'm sure I'm just a gullible movie watcher, but were they really doing most of their own ice skating? It sure looked like it. Then again, it sure looked like Two Face really had 1/2 his face melted off in The Dark Knight. I really want to watch some DVD features (if somebody would let me borrow their DVD, that would be great!).


Jaclyn said...

"The night is a very dark time for me."

"It's dark for everyone, moron!"

"Not for Alaskans or dudes with night-vision goggles!"

You can borrow my DVD if you want :)

Amber said...

Bring it to work! Or is it a snazzy blu-ray disc? :0(