Monday, July 7, 2008

The Darjeeling Limited

Who: John & Tammy
What: The Darjeeling Limited
Where: @ home
Why: We had been trying to watch it all weekend (roommate's Netflix)

I'm generally a sucker for a good indie flick and I had seen the trailer for this one awhile back. It gets off to an awkward start with a short film "Hotel Chevalier" in which Natalie Portman and Jason Schwartzman have about the most ungraceful love scene ever imagined.

The film itself opens with a seemingly strange cameo of Bill Murray unsuccessfully chasing down a train named "The Darjeeling Limited." I will say Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman, and Adrien Brody make for a hilarious trio. They travel through India (mostly on the before mentioned train) on a quest to reunite and solidify their bond as brothers and more importantly as friends.

If I had to rate the film, I would give it a slightly above average 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. It doesn't leave you with some grand ideal or lesson learned, but still somehow feels complete by the time the last frame flickers out. All in all if you enjoy indie flicks, I would recommend catching this movie over a weekend matinee at home.

And if indie flicks aren't your cup of tea, I would say move along there's nothing for you to see here. Besides, you can always catch the next blockbuster at your local AMC this coming weekend.

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