Thursday, July 31, 2008

In Bruges

Who: Jaclyn
What: In Bruges
Where: At Home
Why: Netflix

I saw one preview for this movie back in the day and then I never saw it come to the theater. If it did, it must have been there for five minutes. It looked good or at least appealing from the trailer so I Netflixed it.

Ken and Ray are two hitmen who are hiding out in Bruges, which is in Belgium. Ken loves the sights and is trying to get Ray to enjoy the historical parts of the town, but Ray can only whine and complain about Bruges and how stupid it is. For instance:

Ken: Coming up?
Ray: What's up there?
Ken: The view.
Ray: The view of what? The view of down here? I can see that down here.
Ken: Ray, you are about the worst tourist in the whole world.
Ray: Ken, I grew up in Dublin. I love Dublin. If I grew up on a farm, and was retarded, Bruges might impress me but I didn't, so it doesn't.

This goes on forever...Ray knocking Bruges and everything in it. He insults just about everyone and is completely infatuated with a dwarf he sees on a movie set.

It's not clear (to begin with) as to why they're held up in Bruges, just that "Harry" who is apparently their hit boss, told them to be. It's revealed later that it's because Ray has to be punished for something he did and Harry believed he was doing something good for Ray before he's killed.

I guess I liked this movie. I had a hard time understanding it...I'm usually really good at understanding accents but I had captions on for the whole movie and it takes away from the film when you have to read everything. This movie has its funny parts but there's also a plethora of swearing...I've never heard so many F-bombs per sentence.

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