Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Who:  Amber
What:  Flubber
Where:  @ home off cable
Why:  I've never seen it.

I took a random day off work, and Flubber was on the tube.  I work for Disney ... Flubber is a Disney movie ... I figured it was my patriotic duty to watch it.

Robin Williams is a moron.  Twice now he's missed his own wedding b/c he's tinkering with experiments in his basement.  Ok - right there buddy, this relationship is over.  But, of course, his girlfriend gives him on more chance.

(I think the original movie was called "The Absent Minded Professor", so I guess Robin Williams had to prove how absent minded he can be.)

The private college he and his girlfriend work at is going bankrupt.  They will close soon.  Until - ta da! - Robin Williams creates flubber!  It's a gooey green substance that produces energy, or something magical that can make them rich.

Of course, there are some bumbling bad guys who try to take the flubber away (Captain Stollemyer from Monk and Shooter McGavin from Happy Gilmore, among others).  Robin Williams puts the bouncy flubber on the baskeball players shoes to help them win a game.  More craziness happens.

Although this movie wasn't all ridiculous laughs.  There were some touching moments between the 2 lovers (who are just trying to get married) and some robots.  Yes, I said touching moments between robots.  No, I'm not kidding.


Bill said...

This movie features a brief cameo by Nancy Olson, who co-starred in the original "Absent Minded Professor" and its sequel, "Son of Flubber".

Amber said...

Cool - I love when movies to that! Of course, I would have never recognized her, since I never saw the 2 originals. :0(