Thursday, June 26, 2008

See No Evil

Who:  Amber
What:  See No Evil
Where: @ home - recorded off Showtime (about 4 months ago)
Why:  It had Kane (a WWE wrestler) in it

This was a darn good horror movie!  I figured it would really lame, with the main star being a WWE wrestler and all.  I mean, it's not going to win any awards or anything, but it has everything I enjoy in a horror movie

1.  Start the horror right away.  Don't make we wait until the movie is half over.  1 person had already died before the opening credits.  Jackpot!
2.  I want it to be graphic, but not too graphic.  I was a little squeemish during some parts.  The basis of the movie is a guy is killing people and ripping out their eyes.  I have a thing for eyes.  They creep me out.  So to see an eye getting pulled out of a socket is pretty gross to me.  (Side note:  same thing with that eye ball scene in Hostel - you know what I'm talking about)
3.  Explain why the bad guy is killing people.  I don't like when there is a maniac for no reason!  This movie kind-of explained why he's a freak - his mom raised him to be a freak.  It was kind-of a lame excuse to be a freak, but I'll take it.

If you like horror - I recommend this movie!

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