Sunday, June 8, 2008

Definitely, Maybe

Who:  Amber
What:  Definitely, Maybe
Where:  flight from Honolulu to Houston
Why:  It looked cute

Maybe I was a little motion sick, but I was totally confused at the beginning of this movie - and it wasn't supposed to be hard to follow.

It starts out with Ryan Reynolds picking up his daughter from school.  He is divorced from her mom, and he picks her up twice a week.  The daughter (Abigail Breslin) is WAY too grown up for my taste (I don't like it when movie kids are too adult); she's asking all kind-of "tell me about when you were dating mom" questions.  The rest of the movie Ryan and Abigail sit up all night in bed talking.

Turns out Ryan Reynolds had 3 serious girlfriends - Rachel Weise, Amy Adams and Elizabeth Banks.  He tells of how he dated #1 and was friends with #2 and #3.  #1 breaks up with him, and he dates #2, all while still being friends with #3.  #3 and him aren't friends anymore, and he breaks up with #2, but they are still friends.  #1 comes back into his life, etc, etc, etc ...

Abigail Breslin is very curious about which girl #1, #2 or #3 does he end up marrying (when he tells the story, he doesn't use the women's real names).  See how confusing it is!  (Ok - I'm just lame).

We eventually find out who he married, and got a divorce from.  Does he still have feelings for one of the other women?!?  Watch and find out.

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