Friday, June 13, 2008

Bucket List

Who: Amber
What: Bucket List
Where: on a flight from Houston to Honolulu AND a flight from Houston to Orlando (thank for the variety Continental Airlines - not!)
Why: Nothing else on

I really surprised myself by liking this movie (heck, I watched it on 2 separate flights). It was interesting because you clearly know the ending from watching the previews (both guys are dying - hence the "kick the BUCKET LIST"), but it's still enjoyable and a little suspensful to see how it all plays out.

The beginning of the movie shows Jack Nicholson (a big jerk) and Morgan Freeman (family guy) sharing a room in the hospital - the hospital that Jack Nicholson pretty much owns. It shows them avoiding each other, then making casual conversation, then playing cards, then conversing as friends, then it shows some nasty effects of the chemotherapy ... then it shows Morgan Freeman making his bucket list. Jack steals it off the floor, and says, "we should do this!" Jack is totally loaded (has a private jet) and funds the entire trip.

And interesting twist is how Morgan Freeman explains to his family that he's taking a trip with Jack Nicholson, even though he will be dying soon. I kind-of felt bad for his family b/c they couldn't spend a lot of time with their dying husband/dad/grandpa.

I won't spoil it with who dies first, and who dies second, but it's very sweet as the last remaining friend completes the bucket list. The 2 friends are buried at a very special place along with their list.

1 comment:

monica said...

I like this more and more as I watch it again. It was playing on the cruise ship and we watched it several times, in pieces. It doesn't have as many funny parts as I thought, great story of life and friendship non the less!