Saturday, August 30, 2008


Who: Amber, Jonathan & Amber's parents
What:  Jumper
Where:  ARC - Rec center on Kwaj
Why:  Wednesday movie night!

This movie was not very good.  The premise was cool - people could 'jump' (meaning, travel) anywhere on earth, but only in the current time (not time travelers).  So Hayden Christensen was jumping to Egypt, London, Tokyo, into bank vaults etc.

The only problem was that I needed way more information to make it believable!  There were 2 'good' jumpers and a bunch of guys trying to kill them.  But they didn't give any info about who the guys were that are trying to kill them.  Who were they, and why were they killing them?

I know this wasn't a true story or anything - but I like my movies to have some sense of realism.  This movie had none.

Plus the ending was really, really lame.  Hayden makes an 'impossible' jump.  Ooooo!  Blah!  All and all - I wish somebody will make a remake of this in 20 years and make it better.

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