Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jaws 2

Who:  Amber
What:  Jaws 2
Where:  @ home off cable
Why:  It's Shark Week!

This movie was pretty lame.  Maybe it's because I'm spoiled with special effects, but this shark looked super, duper fake!  It's mouth would barely move, it would just darn it's giant head out of the water, then you'd see a pool of blood in the ocean.

I can't remember the first Jaws very well.  This movie stars the same Aminityville Police man.  He's got a kid in high school and a 10 year old.  I guess if I remembered his kids from the first movie, then I could determine how much time had passed.

It's summer time - the height of tourist season in Aminityville.  And what do you know - a shark is back.  Unfortunatly, nobody in town has seen him.  He's killed 2 divers (no evidence - it was just an accident right?) and 2 water skiiers have died (no evidence - it's just a boating accident right?).  Nobody thinks there is a shark, except our hero from the first movie!

A bunch of high school kids go boating (including our hero's 2 kids).  *insert music here - dun dunt, dun dunt, dunt dunt dunt dunt dooooo-doooooo!*  Shark attack!

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