Thursday, August 28, 2008

Get a Clue

Who:  Amber
What:  Get a Clue
Where:  @ home - randomly recorded off Disney Channel
Why:  You can't go wrong with a Disney movie

How cute is little Lindsay Lohan.  She was about 13 in this movie.  She has great red hair, a face full of freckles and minimal make up on.  She 'was' a great little actress.

Lindsay Lohan is a rich kid in NYC with a great wardrobe.  But the refreshing thing is that she's really smart and extremely polite.  She has an attentive dad and a wonderful mom.  She's not a stupid movie ditz.  Very nice!

Lexi (Lohan) writes a newspaper story for her school paper, and her teacher turns it in to a regular newspaper - and it gets published!  It's a story about 2 of her teachers, with a photo of both of them.  Turns out, the guy teacher (Mr. Walker) is a fugative from 12 years ago.  Somebody sees his photo, and he 'disappears'.  Lexi, her best & super fashionable friend, and 2 boys from school team up to figure out what happened to Mr. Walker.

Will they find Mr. Walker alive (his car was found in the river)?  Who is this homeless guy wearing Mr. Walker's ugly jacket?  Who is this so-called private detective who is also looking for Mr. Walker?

If you're ever surfing the channels, and run across Disney Channel, and Get a Clue is on - I recommend giving it a try.


Jaclyn said...

Is it sad that I have the mp3 somewhere of the title song from this movie?

Amber said...

Yes ... that is sad. :0)

Was the theme song something about 'getting a clue'? Or was that the ending credits song?