Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Big Fat Liar

Who:  Amber
What:  Big Fat Liar
Where:  @ home - DVRed off cable
Why:  I like Amanda Bynes

I admit it.  I, a grown woman, looked up 'Amanda Bynes' on my DVR and recorded all her movies.  She's such a cutie, and she's a great little comedian.

This was a fun movie.  Frankie Muniz and Amanda Bynes are 14.  They are best friends (nothing more - that was kind-of sweet).  Frankie is a liar.  He lies to his English teacher, he lies to his parents ...

Long story short, he writes an English paper about a big, fat, liar (himself).  It gets stolen by a Hollywood producer and is going to be made into a movie.

So Frankie and Amanda head to Hollywood.  How do two 14 year olds get to Hollywood on their own?  Don't worry about it.

They find the producer, he won't admit that he stole the story, so they try to make his life a living hell.  Good thing the producer is a huge jerk, because his assistant, director, limo driver, stunt man, security, etc all agree to help Frankie and Amanda.

Is this movie over the top and silly - yes.  Is there a pointless montage of trying on Hollywood costumes - yes.  Do Frankie and Amanda ever eat anything while they are in Hollywood on their own - no.  Do I recommend this movie to adults and children alike - YES!

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