Sunday, September 21, 2008

Speed 2: Cruise Control

Who:  Amber
What:  Speed 2:  Cruise Control
Where:  @ home - recorded off cable
Why:  I searched for 'cruise' on my DVR (hoping for travel shows about cruises, but I found this)

I had seen this movie before.  I knew it was a bucket full of cheese, but it's a good movie to watch while I'm cleaning the kitchen or playing on the computer.

This movie almost leaves off where Speed 1 ended.  Annie (Sandra Bullock) is trying to get her driver's license, so she doesn't have to take the bus anymore.  She's dating Alex (Jason Patrick - what happened to that guy?!?), a LA Cop.  Annie actually mentions Jack (Keanu Reeves - star of Speed 1) and mentions why they broke up.

Annie and Alex are headed to the Caribbean for a cruise.  Party time!  Too bad Willem Defoe is also headed to the same cruise, and he plans to crash the party.  Willem Defoe is a master of cruise ship technology, and he rigs the entire ship to run off a little remote control that only he possesses (yeah, like that could ever happen.  This guy sneaks in and out of secure places on the ship like he's a magician).  He sounds the 'abandon ship' alarm to save most passengers.  Of course, Annie and Alex, and a handful of others are left behind.

The ship is going to crash and blow up ... will Alex save the day - of course.  Will there be a random cameo at the end of the movie with somebody from Speed 1 (not Keanu) - of course. Does Sandra Bullock have a lot of horrible, cheesy, un-natural dialog - yes!!!  But it's a fun movie with a lot of random action scenes.  Plus I like anything to do with a cruise ship.

Oh, there is also a cute teenage girl on the ship who is deaf and 'speaks' via sign language with Alex, the movie's hero.  She's a cutie.  And I looked her upon  Turns out she really is deaf and she's an advocate for deaf actors/actresses.  I thought that was kind-of cool.

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