Thursday, September 25, 2008

Epic Movie

Who:  Amber & Jonathan
What:  Epic Movie
Where:  @ home - free HBO
Why:  Jonathan picked it

What happens when you mix Narnia + Pirates + every other movie from 2006?  You get a load of crap!

Well, it wasn't complete crap.  It actually kind-of liked the quick pace of this movie.  With in the first 5 minutes they made fun of Snakes on a Plane (love that movie!), X-Men, Nacho Libre and the Da Vinci Code.  This movie really kept me on my toes.

Although it basically made fun of Narnia.  4 orphans (who look nothing alike, who are 4 different nationalities) all find a Willy Wonka golden ticket!  They come to Willy's creepy factory and need a hiding place from creepy Willy.  One by one they find the wardrobe and arrive in Narnia.

Once in Narnia the writers manage to throw in some Pirates of the Caribbean 2, the TV show Punked, Click and probably some other stuff I forgot.

The movie ends (thankfully!) with some good old fashioned Borat.  I can't belive they made this movie, and they continue to make movies like it.  Thankfully Disaster Movie was a total bomb at the box office.  Maybe they'll finally stop.

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