Sunday, March 29, 2009

Live Free or Die Hard

Who:  Amber
What:  Live Free or Die Hard
Where:  @ home, I own it on DVD
Why:  It's a classic!

NYPD Detective John McClane (Bruce Willis) randomly receives a phone call from the FBI to drive NY hacker named Matt Farrell (Justin Long) down to Washington. Turns out there was a hack in an FBI computer system, so they would like to question all hackers who are on the "list".

Right when John gets to Matt's apartment, a group of men show up and try to kill John and Matt. Of course, McClane manages to get them both out, and kill a bunch of the bad guys in the process.

As it turns out, a group of terrorists have hacked into EVERYTHING - shutting down airports, traffic lights, social security, everything!

Thankfully, Matt knows enough about hacking and can help McClane shut them down. But not with out some crazy adventures! Since the hackers can see everything (there are cameras everywhere you know), they are making it extremely hard for our 2 heros. McClane kills more bad guys and gets him self out of unbelievable situations (seriously - they were a tad unbelievable).

The final straw is when the hackers kidnap Lucy, McClane's college age daughter. Yippe-ki-aye - let's go rescue her!!!

If you love action movies, then this is a MUST SEE. There are some great action and fight scenes. Did you know you can blow up a helicopter with a car? And Justin Long and Bruce Willis work really well together. Bruce Willis is an old school dude, and Justin Long is a young whipper snapper. But their banter back and forth is hilarious!

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