Friday, April 10, 2009

Henry Poole Is Here

Who: Jaclyn 
What: Henry Poole Is Here
Where: At Home
Why: Who doesn't like Luke Wilson?

I briefly remembered seeing preview for this movie a while back and then never heard about it again. Thankfully for Netflix, I was able to check it out. 

This movie is about Henry Poole (Luke Wilson) who buys a house from a kooky realtor and insists that he'll pay whatever they, the sellers ask and he doesn't want any repairs done on the house. The realtor thinks this is odd so she has someone come to fix the house up after he purchases it.

Turns out, Henry believes he doesn't have much time left to live so he's not really worried about the state of his house. 

Henry has a neighbor that knows everything about the neighbors and one day comes to visit him and notices the face of Jesus on the side of Henry's house. He believes that it's just a stain from a bad paint job but the neighbor isn't buying it.

The whole movie revolves around the stain/image of Jesus and it's somewhat endearing. Henry finds hope (though he fights it every step of the way) and finds a friend in his other neighbors. 

I'll admit, I fell asleep during this movie...but I was also doped up on Benadryl. But what I saw, I liked. 


Amber said...

Oh yeah - I remember seeing a preview for this movie. It really fell off the face of the earth.

Luke Wilson is a cutie!

lesli said...

It's a good film if you are looking for a break from typical Hollywood. If you missed it, I encourage you to check out the recently released family version.It was such a great story about a real life guy who was struggling with his faith and accepting it. This is something that I've been struggling with myself for the past couple of years. It was such an encouragement to see this played out. And it's really cool that I've found a site, Right now it looks like they are giving away 10 copies of the movie for free. If you haven't seen the movie yet, or even if you have, you could always give it to a friend, but it's definitely worth checking out!GREAT film for a FAMILY movie night!